
MDM-1 Circuit Dgm

MDM-DEV-1 Circuit Diagram

OKI MSM6554 Display IC Datasheet

MAX232 Datasheet (Optional RS232 Comms that can be fitted to MDM-1)

MAX485 Datasheet (Optional RS485 Comms that can be fitted to MDM-1)

Upgrade the MDM-1 to RS232/485 Comms (Factory fitted Option available from Lascar Electronics)

LCD Driver Table

ALL Product Datasheets

Multilingual Datasheets

MPLAB-ICD to MDM-1 I/F Cable

PicStart to MDM-1 I/F Cable

Programmer Circuit for EEPROM on MDM-DEV-1.

Good tutorial on the 877 and how to use the hardware features, includes some C software.  This information was on www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/
apangar/pic but this link is broken.  Download these 4 files
L1, L2, L3 & L4.
The datasheets for the MDM-1 and MDM-DEV-1 are good sources of hardware information.  Even if you are only buying a MDM-1 the dev board datasheet is packed full of usefull technical information and circuit configurations.  In addition don't forget the MDM-1 software applications.  If you are buying the dev board then all this comes with it anyway.  Remember you do need to buy a programmer, follow the link below.


Microchip PIC 16F877 Datasheet

On-line book which although based on the older Pic's is worth reading.