While hosted on the MDM-1 site this page contains information on using graphics displays. The software has been written using the MDM-1 which uses a Microchip 16F877 @ 4Mhz, but could be ported to any microcontroller or processor, high level languages have been used.
The SP 5-GFX1 is a 128 x 64 pixel serial graphics display. Read this errata from one of our customers.
The DMX 973 is a 70 x 32 pixel graphics display. The DMX 973B has 100 x 32 pixels and is the replacement for the 973, it is recommended for new designs. Both are parallel or serial.
An optional IP67 rated bezel. the BEZ 900, is available for the DMX 973/973B.
IMPORTANT - read this document on getting started with a Lascar graphic displays. - Updated Issue 4. |